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Kangaroo Chilli with Zoodles

Kangaroo Chilli with Zoodles

Kangaroo certainly packs a nutritious punch! When it comes to kilojoule and fat content, kangaroo fairs better than beef, lamb, and even chicken. It’s protein is important in any strength training regimen to build lean muscle – but even if you’re not lifting in the gym, it works to satiate you for longer, meaning less after-meal snacking! Adjust the spices in this dish to suit your tastes, and it will be a regular on rotation at your house!

Spiced Apple & Oatmeal Bake

Spiced Apple and Raisin Oatmeal Bake

I am literally drooling over this new breakfast creation. Warming cinnamon with sweet apple and juicy raisins, this is just like having a slice of ‘naughty’ pie from the local cafe, without the guilt! Bake ahead for a nutritionally balanced breakfast on-the-go!

Chai Spiced Banana Bread

Chai Spiced Banana Bread

Looking for a healthy take on your favourite morning treat? This is it. Traditional sugar is replaced with stevia, meaning fewer calories and plenty of natural sweetness. The addition of cinnamon helps to stabilise blood sugar levels, meaning you won’t suffer cravings later on in the day. Warming spices never looked so inviting! Toast a slice for breakfast, and top with a little ricotta and honey…your Sunday morning, sorted.


Sweet Potato Super Fries with Avocado Cream

Swap your usual fries for the super sweet potato version. A source of vitamin C, vitamin D and iron, sweet potatoes are also a good source of magnesium which is the relaxation and anti-stress mineral.


Cheesy Pumpkin Muffins

I miss cheese muffins. The ones at the local cafe topped with a crust of browned, bubbled cheese and overloaded with white flour. It was a no-brainer I had to healthify these delicious savoury morsels. My version also has no oil or flour, and with added veggies they are a much lighter way to enjoy! Pumpkin is low in calories and rich in dietary fibre, anti-oxidants, minerals and vitamins. Serve a few with a side salad for a delicious lean lunch.


Vanilla, Cinnamon and Nutmeg Pudding

This take on a traditional rice pudding makes a fantastic dessert, but works just as well for breakfast too. Who doesn’t love dessert for breakfast?! We live like kings.


Winter Chai Porridge

This one is a little heart warmer. It’s cold here is Sydney at the moment, and while the sun is out, it’s lacking some serious heat. So for a satisfying, hearty breakfast (without piling on the pounds) try my new favourite Winter Chai Porridge. So quick to make, and seriously tasty. Make this the night before if you can’t spare 15 minutes in the morning, then simply reheat and devour.

Moroccan Quinoa

Quinoa (pronounced keen-wah) is member of the seed family. I mispronounced this for several years before being corrected and turning to Google for definitive advice. Regardless of what you call it, its wonderfully healthy and versatile. Not only is it a complete protein – making it fantastic for vegetarians – but this superfood is also rich in iron, magnesium and dietary fiber. Tasty and just a little bit sweet, this recipe will leave you with enough for a quick and delicious cold lunch during the working week.


Pear & Banana Bread

Swap your cafe-bought banana bread for this delicious sugar-free version, and get some extra fruit and heart-healthy nuts in your diet. Bonus!


Peanut Butter Protein Balls

It’s well-known that good things come in small packages. These are no exception – these little bites of bliss taste like fudgey caramel snicker bars. Packed with protein and low GI carbs, they’ll ward off hunger until your next meal. They’re also conveniently portable – so stash some in your desk drawer in the office for that 3pm snack attack.