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The Morning After Green Detox Smoothie

The Morning After Green Detox Smoothie

So you’ve over-indulged a little. An extra piece of pie, a bar of chocolate, or a few too many vinos. That’s cool – it’s totally human to let loose once in a while. Bring yourself back to balance with this deliciously nourishing smoothie. Packed with vitamins, hydrating coconut water and potassium, this one is sure to make you feel fabulous again in no time.


Blueberry Bliss Bowl

‘Tis the season for blueberries here in Aus. They’re in abundance and cheap until March, so I try to get my fill in the summer months when they’re at their tastiest and locally sourced. Aside from being once of the most nutrient dense fruits around, they make the most amazing ice-cream that can legit double up as a brekkie bowl when your post-Christmas sugar crash is looming. The natural sweetness they provide kills sugar cravings and their fibre keeps you fuller for longer too!

Berry Bliss Smoothie

Berry Bliss Smoothie

Berries rock my world. They’re mother natures’ own sweets…juicy, tart, and perfectly bite-sized. Bonus: they’re packed with vitamins that your body will love. Blackberries are among the top ranked antioxidant-rich fruits and contain high levels of fiber, manganese, copper and vitamin C. Urggghh….too much science?! Translation: they’re great for weight control, clear skin and energy. With just 61 calories a cup, blackberries make a great snack or addition to your morning smoothie, just like this one.

Bloat Banishing Smoothie

Bloat Banishing Smoothie

So you’ve eaten and drunk a little more over the holidays. That’s cool. Now’s the time to make you’re comeback for a healthy start to 2015. Filling up on fibre-rich foods such as avocado is the perfect way to beat the bloat, and the quickest way to do that a smoothie. I’m all about making things easier after a hectic festive season, so lets just blend and kick back…

Antioxidant Smoothie

Antioxidant Smoothie

Aside from this being insanely pretty, strawberries and acai make for a refreshing and detoxifying smoothie. Full of antioxidants to clear you skin, this one is great a great way to start your day if you’re feeling a bit run-down.

Raspberry Vitality Cooler

Raspberry Vitality Cooler

This frosty red cooler is a glass of pure refreshment. With a squeeze of fresh citrus and plenty of antioxidant-infused raspberries, this will have you feeling on top of the world, no matter how crazy your day.


Try this on a hot summers day instead of your usual tipple. You won’t miss the alcohol, I promise!


Blackberry Smoothie Bowl

Blackberries are one of the most widely available and nutrient dense fruits on the planet. Just one cup of blackberries contains over thirty percent of your daily recommended fiber, promoting healthy digestion and reducing the risk of heart disease. Blackberries are known to relieve common symptoms of PMS like bloating and food cravings, and are anti-inflammatory: great if you have a sports injury. Get your dose in this delicious breakfast!

Vanilla Bean and Almond Smoothie

A fantastic blend for early risers who like a smooth start to their morning. Gentle on the taste buds while delightfully smooth and filling, this one will keep you going for hours.