So you might have read this month in a little publication called Women's Health that I had a brush with Orthorexia. While my weight has completely regained and I maintain a healthy lifestyle (with much more balance), my muscle tone has somewhat diminished. Oh poops. So I've been on a mission to get it back, get strong and master my first unassisted pull-up #goals.
Who better to ask than my good friend, who just so happens to be a bikini competitor? She knows everything there is to know about gaining muscle. So if you're looking to tone up, add a little definition or even some mass, try this simple workout for 4 weeks. I've done it an seen amazing results, and wanted to share it with you, too.
Remember girls, its pretty impossible to 'bulk up' like a guy due to our lack of testosterone, so don't panic this will make you look like Arnie!
It goes a little something like this:
Three workouts, to be performed twice a week (on rotation). DAY 7 is REST DAY! Very important to recuperate and let your muscled rest so you can come back fighting stronger the next week.
Each session should take between 40 - 45 minutes.
Split between a focus on chest + back, shoulders + arms, and legs. Do each set 4 times, then move onto the next.
Chest + Back {Day 1 + 4}
Push ups x 5
Lat pull down x 6
Repeat 4 times
30 degree chest press x 6
Bent over 1 arm row x 6 on each arm
Repeat 4 times
Seated row x 6
Lying pull-overs with bar x 6
Repeat 4 times
Shoulders + Arms {Day 2 + 5}
Standing shoulder press x 6
Standing bicep curl x 6
Repeat 4 times
60 degree lateral raise x 6
Tricep dips x 10
Repeat 4 times
Rope pull-down x 6
Seated Hammer Curl x 10
Repeat 4 times
Legs (Day 3 + 6}
Heavy half-squat x 6
Standing leg curl x 6
Repeat 4 times
Leg extension x 6
Romanian Deadlift x 8
Repeat 4 times
Lunges with dumbbell x 10 each leg
Leg press x 6
Repeat 4 times
If you're not familiar with the moves, check out this site to get proper direction - just type it into the search box.
In terms of actual weights, I use between 6kg and 10kg, depending on the movement. Remember to push yourself - you should feel fatigue on the 6th rep, but don't go damaging anything! If you can't manage 6 reps, drop to the next weight down.
Enjoy strong sistas,