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Ten Fit Foods for Spring – including Mint Choc Chip Smoothie recipe!


Spring is here and the sun has well and truly got it’s hat on! When the temperature starts heating up it feels good to begin to prepare your body for the warmer months ahead. Altering your diet is a good way to boost your beauty from within.Light, delicious, nourishing, mineral rich foods are all I crave during this sun drenched time of the year.

You know what I'm talking about right? Foods aimed to fight off the dreaded swimwear insecurities. And ones that alleviate bloating, dipped energy levels and fatigue. There are even beautiful foods that will and improve your protection towards the sun.

Here are my top ten foods fit for spring to energise, nourish and excite! After all, this is the time of year when you can indulge in beautiful juicy fruits, rich leafy greens and colourful earthy veggies in abundance.

1. Cucumber

This water dense vegetable is ideal for fighting dehydration and bloating. Not only does its high water content mean that  minerals are more bioavailable, but the water binds the fibre in the digestive system which aids cleansing and digestion. Hello flat tummy!

2. Avocados

Wonderful pear-shaped tropical fruits rich in monounsaturated fats, these essential fats are great at repairing damaged skin cells, keeping the skin plump and glowing.

3. Tomatoes

Little balls of energy producing goodness, packed full of lypocene, an amazing antioxidant that has shown to improve protection against harmful UV light through neutralisation and boosting pro-collegen levels. Although they should not be used to replace sunscreen, adding an abundance of these red delights is a great way to increase your sun protection.

4. Mint

One of my favourite summertime refreshing herbs known for its ability to assist  digestion, adding this tasty leaf to a glass of water is a sure-fire way to help ease those post-lunch bloats. Ideal preparation for an afternoon by the pool I say!

5. Coconut

A fit food because it's a wonderfully hydrating fruit,  that embodies a host of minerals and nutrients. Excellent for that mid afternoon energy dip, and curve those cravings for any sugary laden snacks. This natural pick me up is just a true supercharged food.

6. Spinach

One of my all-time favourite leafy greens, provides a rainbow of vitamins and minerals and again a water dense fibrous vegetable, this leaf is great for aiding digestion, diminishing bloats and curbing afternoon sugar cravings.

7. Watermelon

A luscious fleshy fruit has reached fit foodie status with its injection of betacarotene, vitamin C, vitamin E, zinc and selenium. Juicing up these beauties gives an instant immunity boost.

8. Green tea leaf

An ancient leaf  praised for its vast variety of medicinal qualities, one of which is its ability to reduce the effects of ultraviolet radiation. Studies by L. E. Rhodes at Manchester University have exposed an active antioxidant compound which increases resilience to UV radiation, concluding that green tea leaf can aid protection against sunburn inflammation and potentially longer term ultraviolet radiation damage.

9. Asparagus

A veggie popularly known for producing smelly urine! This green stalky vegetable is actually an anti-bloating superfood, containing tons of prebiotics which support and maintain a healthy gut, reduce bloating and increasing energy levels. Don't  let the bathroom smell put you off!

10. Lemons

Bright yellow fruits that are a fantastic addition to any diet. Reducing acidity in the body, although seeming to be acidic, once ingested they're metabolised and turn alkaline. In fact, they're one of the most alkaline fruits, who’d have thought it?! This means that they reduce inflammation within the body, detoxify and maintain beautiful glowing healthy skin.

Now I’ve opened my pantry to expose  these wonderful for foods, I'd love to share a gorgeous smoothie recipe ideal to help you spring clean your diet. This filling breakfast smoothie is enjoyable during spring, as it aims to detoxify, nourish and revive a body coming out of winter hibernation!


Mint Choc Chip Smoothie

Mint Choc Chip Smoothie

  • 1 frozen banana, peeled and chopped
  • 1 cup of spinach
  • 1/2 and avocado
  • Handful of fresh mint leaves
  • 1 tsp of vanilla extract
  • 1/2 cup of coconut water
  • 1 cup of almond milk
  • 3 tbsp cacao nibs
  • 1/4 cup of nut butter

Add all ingredients to your blender and whizz up! Add ice if required.

You can find my Mint Choc Chip Smoothie recipe in my Eat Clean, Green and Vegetarian cookbook  or visit my website for more recipes!

You can also check out my 4 week Heal Your Gut Program right here.

Lee Holmes - Health Coach, Yoga Teacher + Wholefoods Expert

Lee Holmes is the author of Supercharged Food, Eat Yourself Beautiful and Supercharged Food for Kids. She’s also the founder of, an altruistic website which helps people expand their range of healthy food choices and maintain a satisfying, wholesome and nourishing diet. Lee is a certified health coach, Hatha yoga teacher and wholefoods chef. In 2013 Lee won the title of Health Influencer Blog of the Year.

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