The Fit Foodie’s Meal Prep Plan is now available as a digital download and paperback book. Click here.


Coconut Maple Bacon

This insanely delicious combo of salty and sweet makes for a perfect snack of salad topping any day of the week.
Skip the processed deli pork and try this for a nutritious, simple and delicious snack – what more could you ask for?

I see some happy little vegetarians.


Warm Chicken & Toasted Pine Nut Salad

This warm salad is perfect for cooler evenings. A perfect mix of complex carbs, protein and fats to keep you satisfied and happy long after meal time. Sweet, crunchy, and delicious, this dish is also full off essential vitamins and minerals. Tuck in!

Avacado Baked Eggs

Avocado Baked Eggs

For a big kick of omega-3s in your lunch, try baking eggs in an avocado. Low in sugar, high protein and full of good fats, this healthy dish will get you through the afternoon.


Apricot and Pistacho Quinoa

Quinoa is a great source of protein, iron and fibre – awesome news for vegetarians. Slightly nutty in flavour, this super seed is a fantastic low GI carb that will keep you full for hours. This dish has a nice sweet twist with the addition of some chopped dried apricots, but fresh apple, pear or orange segments would work just as well.

Dukkah Tofu Salad

Dukkah Tofu Salad

This delicious lunch is packed with 25g of protein for fast muscle repair and long-lasting satiety. Tofu can also give a major boost to your weight-loss plan. If you’ve tried tofu before and thought it was pretty tasteless, yore not alone. Give it another try with this recipe: the dukkah adds so much flavour and the grill ensures it crisps up – delicious!