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Balanced Breakfasts

Triple-layered Yogurt Parfait

Yogurt parfait makes for a deliciously filling breakfast, but store-bought versions are often full of added sugar or unnatural sweeteners. Instead of spending money and wasting calories on bad ingredients, why not make your own? Double the ingredients and make a few portions for the week ahead. Go on…the money you save can go on that extra box of chocolate protein bars. Convinced?!

Avacado Baked Eggs

Avocado Baked Eggs

For a big kick of omega-3s in your lunch, try baking eggs in an avocado. Low in sugar, high protein and full of good fats, this healthy dish will get you through the afternoon.


Lemon Quinoa Kedgeree

This traditional recipe swaps starchy white rice for the supergrain quinoa. Quinoa contains all nine essential amino acids which help the body to absorb its high protein content more effectively. It also contains plenty of vitamin B2 which boosts your metabolism. Stir in some salmon, eggs and lemon, and you have one power-house of a meal.