CBD (short for cannabinoids) are found in the cannabis
Can CBD relieve pain?
Studies have shown that CBD is an effective reliever of chronic pain. It impacts the endocannabinoid receptor activity which works to reduce inflammation and interacts with neurotransmitters. "It alters the perception of pain by normalising the brain
Can CBD reduce anxiety?
CBD oil has been shown to be a very effective treatment for anxiety. It acts positively as a receptor of serotonin which helps to regulate mood. There
Could CBD reduce acne?
Yes. But beware - the amount and quality of CBD in beauty products
Can CBD relieve cancer-related symptoms?
Anecdotally there have been many reports to say that side effects from cancer treatment (such as nausea, vomiting and pain) are eased significantly with CBD. It is not a cancer treatment, but a food supplement to help ease the nasty side-effects patients can experience.
Can CBD benefit heart health?
Research has linked CBD with several heart-healthy benefits, including lowered blood pressure. High blood pressure it
Can CBD ease joint pain?
"If you have a niggling pain, its a great alternative to paracetamol" explains Dr Brewer.
What' s the go with CBD + diabetes prevention?
There is no current evidence to say CBD directly correlates with blood sugar control, yet, but long term this is possible.
What about drug addictions?
CBD has been shown to modify the circuits in the brain that are related to drug addiction. Users have said that CBD can help chill the effects of THC (read about that here) and therefore reduce any cravings to get 'high'. CBD itself is not addictive.
What are the side effects of CBD?
CBD is awesome, but in high
More questions about CBD? Leave them below and I'll come back to you!
Sal xo