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sugar free

Christmas Dandy Latte

Christmas Dandy Latte

Dandelion (or just Dandy, if you’re hipster), makes an awesome coffee substitute. It’s roasted so you get that earthy, rich aroma that you get from your usual morning brew, but with the benefit of zero caffeine. I’m quite sure around xmas time I get enough caffeine through chocolate. It’s also a bit hard-hitting on your adrenals, so I like to moderate my intake at times of higher stress. Dandy is the perfect option. It’s great for detoxification of your liver – which is also helpful at Christmas if you’re prone to a drink or six – and also helps promote healthy digestion.

Light the fire and cuddle up with a cup of this and a daggy film. Santa will soon be here!


Pear + Chocolate Pudding

I used to love bread and butter pudding. It’s kind of a strange marriage – I don’t know of another dessert that uses bread as the main ingredient – but it just works. The versions i’m used to are loaded with no-so-great ingredients and gluten, which gives me brain fog and plenty of lovely bloating to contend with. This lighter version skips the copious amounts of butter, sugar and white bread. I also managed to squeeze extra protein in there. Tummy says YES!

Roast Vegetable Tartlet with Herbed Chickpea Crust from The Fit Foodie. Gluten Free. Chickpea (besan) flour.

Roast Vegetable Tartlet with Herbed Chickpea Crust

I love this recipe. It was inspired by a delicious deep-dish vegetable pie I had in Adelaide last year at vegan restaurant Pollen 185. The chef there told me how she had played around with the crust recipe for weeks before perfecting it, and then very generously passed that onto me. I’ve tinkered a little with it myself, but the deliciously crumbly texture remains the same. Fill it with whatever you want – I’ve gone for nutrient dense pumpkin and beets, but you can literally throw anything in there. Turn it into a quiche by pouring in whisked eggs into the crust.

Chickpea flour is made from either raw or roasted chickpeas, milled finely. It contains a higher proportion of protein than many others. It’s also
gluten free, making it a great flour alternative for anyone who suffers from gluten intolerance. It’s also mighty tasty. Grab some at your local health food store and let’s get baking!

Chai Spiced Maple Porridge

Chai Spiced Maple Porridge

There’s nothing better than waking up to a hot bowl of porridge on a cold winters morning. This one is packed with immune boosting ingredients to set you up for the day ahead!! ⭐️ Aromatic chai herbs and spices keep your metabolism ticking in the cooler months. Fire up that internal heat baby!

Peanut Butter Cookie Dough Blondies

Peanut Butter Chocolate Chip Blondies

Sticky, chewy blondies with no flour, no oil, no white sugar. Crammed with heart-healthy chickpeas, these will fool even your healthiest of friends. With a low GI value of 28 – 32, chickpeas carbohydrates are broken down and digested slowly. This is helpful for weight loss (or maintenance) as it works to control appetite. Enjoy one with a cup of tea, or warm it up and add a dollop of greek yoghurt for dessert.

{Vegan} Black Bean Crust Pizza. Healthy Pizza recipe from The Fit Foodie.

{Vegan} Black Bean Crust Pizza

I’ve tried a fair few pizzas in my time. I wouldn’t go so far as to call myself a connoisseur, but I know a good slice when I taste one. I’ve played around with some low-carb cauliflower bases but they just don’t fill me up, so I turned to beans for something more substantial. This Pizza is pretty phenomenal actually, both on nutrition profile and more importantly, taste. It’s cheesy, herby and chewy – the perfect start to the weekend, minus the hefty bill from Dominos.

The healthy stuff: A one-cup serving of black beans contains nearly 15 grams of fibre (50% of the RDA) and 15g of protein (equivalent to 60g chicken). This outstanding protein-fibre combination doesn’t exist in other fruit, vegetables, grains, meats, dairy products, nuts and seeds, or seafood. The antioxidants found in the skins of the beans promote better eyesight, cardiac health, capillary strength, skin appearance, and an improved immune system. They’re also great for energy, maintaining blood sugar levels, and digestion!

10 Minute Creamy Tomato and Basil 'Pasta'

10 Minute Creamy Tomato and Basil ‘Pasta’

You can whip up this nutritious ‘pasta’ dish in under 10 minutes flat! No cooking required. Just blend, pour, and eat. This dish hits my dinner table at least a few times a month, particularly when I’m strapped for time. If you need something more hearty, add protein by the way of poached chicken, fish or tofu. Bookmark this page – you’ll be making this time and time again.

I love pasta but it makes me feel all ‘gluggy’ inside. The kinda meal you always regret afterwards that sends you into a food coma. I’ve totally cut it out of my diet for that reason. Why eat anything that makes you feel less than fantastic? There are far too many fabulous substitutions to eat stuff that makes you feel gross. If your pasta love-affair has strong game, stick with it (opt for wholewheat) and skip the noodles.

Scrumptious Savoury Porridge

Scrumptious Savoury Porridge

I know y’all like ‘but porridge is sweet’, and you’d be right…until now. Oats can be enjoyed just like quinoa, rice or buckwheat in many recipes. Just because your mum used to cover them in honey, doesn’t mean you can’t enjoy them in a savoury dish too. To confuse you more, this is a breakfasty dish – but also great at lunch or as a side for dinner. Oats are a great source of soluble fibre that will keep you regular and lower cholesterol. The beta-glucan fiber found in oats helps regulate your appetite for up to 4 hours too, so you’re less likely to be snacking.

Once you make this, you’ll wonder why you haven’t been having it for years. Expect to start seeing it on restaurant menus soon! *2016 prediction*


Vegan Matcha Pops

The health world is currently green with envy over matcha powder. Shots of the drink were the “it beverage” at New York Fashion Week, and now even dedicated coffee lovers are ditching their morning cup in favour of this earthy tea. Green tea leaves are ground to a powder, meaning you ingest the tea leaves – giving you 137 x more antioxidants than traditional green tea. It’s also know as a mental booster and helps improve stamina. Sounds awesome right? It’s even better in ice-cream. Just sayin’….

Raw Chocolate orange rounds, Raw terry's chocolate orange, homemade terry's chocolate orange

Raw Chocolate Orange Rounds

If you’ve ever indulged in a Terry’s Chocolate Orange, you’ll know quite how good the combo of sweet oranges and milky chocolate is. Addictive, in fact. As a Christmas tradition (and Easter, and probably most Fridays) I used to ‘tap and unwrap’ these babies and devour the lot in a few short days. Now i’m a little more conscious about ingredients and portion control, it’s time to re-invent another classic. If you use stevia to sweeten, these delicious chocolates have just 54 calories and 0.5g carbs each! They’re helpfully packed with healthy fats too – so it’s seriously unlikely you’ll manage to eat the whole tray. Then there’s magnesium – thanks to the cacao powder, which is great for exercise recovery (if you’re feeling that way inclined over the holidays) and also helps combat fatigue – which is definitely how I feel over the silly season.

Kick your sweet tooth with these amazingly chocolatey rounds, with sweet hints of orange that just melt in your mouth. Being raw so they’re so easy to make too!