Juggling the demands of your everyday life while also trying to maintain a healthy lifestyle can sometimes be a challenge. When work, school or other commitments start to pile up it’s easy for your healthy living practices to become less of a priority. Healthy living is important, however for keeping you focused and energised in busy times and is essential for keeping you functioning at your best. Here are 6 tips for people who find themselves with limited time, but still want to stay on top of their health!
#1 Cook quick meals
Although it may be tempting to grab lunch or dinner on the go, making an effort to cook rather than eat fast food is one of the most important choices you can make and has huge benefits for your health. There are plenty of fuss-free meals available that can save you time while also providing you with delicious sustenance for your busy schedule. Try using the weekends to plan out your meals for the week and even prepare some in advance. Knowing what you are putting in your body and choosing healthy meals will ultimately give you more energy and keep your body and mind feeling healthy and productive!
#2 Take a walk
One of the easiest ways to maintain your fitness levels is to ditch the car or public transport and try taking regular walks. This will not only get your heart rate up, but will give you the chance to clear your head and focus on what you need to get done for the day. Try walking to work and the extra time for both exercise and organisation will have you feeling energised and ready to face the day ahead. It is also beneficial to take a walk sometime during the middle of the day when your mind needs a break. Wandering around on your lunch break can be a great opportunity to refocus yourself and ensure that you are working as productively as you can. If you get bored of walking or need a quicker alternative to get to work, you can also try riding a bike!
#3 Set an exercise routine
On top of walking or cycling, there are plenty of ways to incorporate at least a little bit of extra physical activity into your daily routine. Figure out what is optimal for you and set the habit of attending a quick morning class or sacrificing some TV time for a fast gym session - it’s also a great way to de-stress after a busy day. Try to avoid it being a chore, but get into the rhythm of participating in an exercise routine that works for you. You can even try doing some exercise at work, it’s a great way to ensure you’re getting some physical activity while also thinking about what you need to do for the day.
#4 Replace unhealthy snacks with healthy ones
Ideally, avoid snacking altogether and stick to nutritious meals, but if you do find yourself craving an energy boost throughout the day, it is important to opt for healthier options . As tempting as it may be, try to resist the bag of chips or chocolate bar and find a healthy alternative that you also enjoy eating. Fruits and veggies are a good place to start for a nutritionally fulfilling yet delicious snack. A handful of nuts or a crunchy snack like these smokey roasted chickpeas are a great way to satisfy your chip cravings. I also love these NEW bites from MyVitamins.

#5 Focus on the nutrients you’re getting
Paying attention to what is in your meals and snacks is also essential for optimising the way you work and the overall health of your body and mind. Iron and protein in particular are two essential nutrients to incorporate in to your diet where possible as they are excellent at improving your energy levels and boosting your ability to focus and concentrate on the tasks at hand.
#6 Switch off from technology before bed
At the end of a busy day, something that is essential for winding down and giving your brain a chance to relax is giving yourself time without technology. This means more time to unwind and catch up with loved ones or with yourself. Taking time to reflect on the day and prepare yourself for the next in a clam and positive way will ensure that you get a peaceful night’s sleep and wake up feeling well-rested and prepared for whatever lies ahead in your week.
Final thoughts...
Although it may be easy to get overwhelmed by the tasks that you have to complete in your everyday life, it is important to also stay on top of your health as best you can. Try incorporating these 6 tips into your daily routine and you’re sure to feel happier, healthier and more productive as a result!