Cheesecake has to be the king of all desserts. Creamy, rich and with limitless flavour combinations, it’s been my go-to comfort food since my first taste of the New York-born creation. However the cream cheese, butter and sugar are something I can live without. Try my take on this wonderful classic, packed full of protein from plain Greek yoghurt.
- 1 ½ cups plain Greek yoghurt
- 2 tablespoons freshly squeezed lemon juice
- 1 tablespoon lemon zest
- 2 tablespoons stevia (or to taste)
- 4 Mejool dates, pitted
- ¾ cup raw almonds
- Handful fresh blueberries
- 10 pistachios, chopped
- ½ teaspoon of agar agar or 1 teaspoon gelatine
- In a food processor, blend dates and almonds to a sticky crumble.
- Press into the bottom of a bakers ring (or two ramekins) and refrigerate while you make the filling.
- In a bowl, mix yoghurt, lemon juice, zest and stevia until well combined.
- Dissolve agar-agar (or gelatin) in a little warm water, then add to yoghurt mix.
- Pour on top of base, then allow to set for approximately 20 minutes – it should wobble like jelly but be firm to touch.
- Remove bakers ring (if using) and top with blueberries and crushed pistachios.
- Serve!
Steer clear from using flavoured versions of Greek yoghurt, even if they claim to be low-fat. They’re usually packed full of sugar or unnatural sugar substitutes that will send your blood sugar through the roof! Not to mention those extra pounds it could pile on.