These pancakes are inspired by dumplings I once tried my hand at (and failed miserably). These guys are much easier – no messy filling to contend with, and even better, become a pancake hybrid when fried in sesame oil. Perfect as an appetiser with friends, or as a quick dinner after work.
Nasi Goreng literally means ‘fried rice’ in Indonesian and Malay, traditionally cooked in sunflower oil or margarine, and topped with a fried egg. Whilst a little fried food can work in a balanced diet, the oils used to cook the food are important for your health. Sesame oil gives a great flavour to this dish and contains heart-healthy fats, but you can also use coconut or olive oil too. I’ve also swapped the usual white rice for brown (which contains the nutritious bran and germ) for a nice take on your take-out.
Buying a whole fish is often more economical than buying the fillet. It also makes it a cinch to prep! Ask your fishmonger or supermarket counter to clean and scale a snapper for you, then throw it on a baking tray, add some simple flavours and you’ve got one tasty, nourishing meal in under 30 minutes.
Doesn’t sound very sexy, but adding all your leftover veggies and meat or seafood to the bottom of a shallow dish and adding eggs on top makes for one the simplest, tastiest meals around. At the end of the week I often have some greens that are past their best – and they work great in this dish. Gather all your odd-and-ends – reduce waste and get dinner in under 30 minutes. Winning!
I’ve tried a fair few pizzas in my time. I wouldn’t go so far as to call myself a connoisseur, but I know a good slice when I taste one. I’ve played around with some low-carb cauliflower bases but they just don’t fill me up, so I turned to beans for something more substantial. This Pizza is pretty phenomenal actually, both on nutrition profile and more importantly, taste. It’s cheesy, herby and chewy – the perfect start to the weekend, minus the hefty bill from Dominos.
The healthy stuff: A one-cup serving of black beans contains nearly 15 grams of fibre (50% of the RDA) and 15g of protein (equivalent to 60g chicken). This outstanding protein-fibre combination doesn’t exist in other fruit, vegetables, grains, meats, dairy products, nuts and seeds, or seafood. The antioxidants found in the skins of the beans promote better eyesight, cardiac health, capillary strength, skin appearance, and an improved immune system. They’re also great for energy, maintaining blood sugar levels, and digestion!
My mother-in-law has a knack for risotto. You might say it’s her signature dish (though, she has a million of those). She spends hours stirring it until it’s a delicious creamy consistency and tops with a mix of roasted balsamic vine tomatoes, garlic and mint – it’s an incredible combination. For me, it’s missing a protein element for muscle repair and satiety, and is pretty heavy on refined carbs. It’s more of an ‘occasion’ food – which I hate, so here’s my take on low-carb risotto, using cauliflower rice instead of arborio. No white wine (though you could add it if you wanted!) and served up with some hearty organic chicken breast. Now that’s one balanced, every-day kinda risotto I can get on board with.
The humble cauliflower provides a high amount of nutrients for a small amount of calories. Cauliflower is also high in both fibre and water content, which helps to prevent constipation, maintain a healthy digestive tract and lower the risk of colon cancer. A ‘regular’ risotto indeed.
This is my take on the beautiful Mexican Fajita. We’re going salsa-less. Have you ever read what’s in a jar of the store-bought stuff? Sugar, sugar, and more sugar. Not great for your insides. I’ve swapped it for tahini – kind of like peanut butter, but made with sesame seeds. It’s packed with healthy fats to keep you satiated for longer. It’s also an amazing source of calcium (for those of you who don’t eat dairy) and is rich in minerals such as phosphorus, lecithin, magnesium, potassium and iron.
Triple the recipe, invite some friends over and lay it all out in bowls – it’s the easiest, healthy dinner-party pleaser that is sure to impress. DIY food is always a winner and means you can cater for fussy eaters too!
Sometimes you need something hearty on a weeknight. It’s been a long day and you simply don’t have the time (or energy) to start gutting and chopping a chicken. In true Fit Foodie style, there’s a work-around. Grab a pre-marinated chook from the good folk at Lilydale, who very kindly haven’t loaded their sauce with flavourings and other nasties. Whack it on a foil tray, and focus on the most delicious rice you’ve ever eaten. Super nutritious, and all pulled together in one hour, with minimal slimy chicken contact. Winning.
Sweet potatoes pack a powerful nutritional punch. Just one medium spud contains over 400% of your daily needs for vitamin A, in addition to plenty of potassium, fibre, and beta-carotene. While sweet potatoes do have more natural sugar than regular potatoes, they’re boast a plethora of nutrients with fewer calories! Pack them with all sorts of delicious fillings and you’ve got variety for days. Bake extra and keep them in the fridge for later in the week, or top with cinnamon and honey for breakfast.
I could eat Greek food all day, every day, no problem. It’s usually super healthy, fresh and flavourful. With this green twist on tzatziki packed with antioxidant herbs, don’t even get me started. Chicken breast is of course a lean, high quality protein to help build muscle, but being a low-carb recipe to boot, this is a great dish for when you’re looking to lean-down too. On your table in under 20 minutes, it’s also perfect for busy weeknights – it’s on rotation in The Fit Foodie household at least once a week.