Very much of my life revolves around being healthy and hustling at the same time. As much as I love creating epic colourful smoothie bowls and delicious works of food art for dinner, doing that every day on top of juggling the work load that is my life is pretty much impossible. That is why when it comes to quick and easy meals, meal prep is my best friend. Because let's be honest if I didn't meal prep I would probably be having cereal for dinner every night.
And since I know you are a busy girl boss just like me, here are some of my fave tips to help you shop healthily and meal prep in a flash.
1. Hangry shopping is never a good idea
NEVER go food shopping when you are hungry, tired or cranky. It just doesn't work. Comfort food such as biscuits, chocolate and crisps can find their way into your trolley. Of course a treat here and there is okay, but keep it to an absolute maximum of 5% of your weekly grocery items. Remember: Healthy shopping turns into healthy eating. If you're easily tempted, try ordering online to avoid unnecessary purchases.
2. The No Plan, Plan
So just to clear things up, we are not auditioning for masterchef here you don't need to stress about creating a masterpiece for dinner every single night. Food doesn't have to be complicated and that's why I like to make my recipes with just simple wholefood ingredients. And since we all have our faves, why not have some go-tos that you can rely on when the foodie creative juices just aren't flowing. Think a simple zoodle bolognese or nourish bowl with your fave protein, carb, veggies and some avocado of course.
3. Create your shopping list blueprint
Having good pantry samples is key becuase let's be honest none of us are 100% organised all of the time. Then if you 'fall off' the meal prep wagon you know you will always have something to work with in your cupboard instead of going for Uber Eats.
Here are some things I always have in my pantry:
- Free range eggs
- Greek yoghurt
- Fresh fish
- Almond milk
- Fresh fruit and veg
- Oats
- Nuts and seeds for snacks
- Fit Mixes for those 3pm sweet cravings
4. Food Prep & Bulk Cooking
Batch prepping and cooking is seriously golden if you are short on time like me. You can cook your fave protein in advance and freeze it ready to add to salads and stir fries during the week. I always love having some boiled eggs on hand to snack on. Frozen zucchini and cauliflower also make a great addition to smoothies to get some extra veg in. Or you can pre-chop your fave roasting or stir fry veggies ready to be cooked when you want them
5. Have a Food Budget
It sounds so simple, but having a budget and sticking to it is really handy for your health & wallet. Buy fruits and veggies that are in season - those in abundance are often much cheaper. Being smart about your food budget doesnt mean eating baked beans for dinner every night. Go for the imperfect produce, head down to your local market and snag some bargains, plus fresh food will last longer in your fridge.
Don't forget to download your FREE Fit Foodie Meal Planner template here. Just print it out, fill it in, and keep it on your fridge!
Follow me: @thefitfoodieblog