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The Top 5 Nutrition Myths… Busted

There still seems to be a lot of old news still circulating the web about dieting 'tips' and 'tricks'. It's confusing at best, and clearly aren't making much head-way in tackling our national obesity crisis. In fact, we're fatter than we've ever been.

It's time to push aside those old rules when it comes to healthy eating, and really understand what works for our bodies.

I caught up with Jules Galloway to take us through her top 5 nutrition myths that need to be shown the door.


Myth #1: Low fat diets are good for you

These diets do nothing to make us feel satisfied. They lead to carb and sugar cravings, and can result in a deficiency of fat-soluble vitamins like A and D, which are needed for hormone balance, immunity and thyroid function.


Myth #2: Low calorie diets are the best way to lose weight

Low calorie diets create a feeling of deprivation. We’re more likely to binge and then regret it, and put the weight back on. These diets may also contain nutrient-poor food choices, like frozen dinners and “diet” soft drinks.


Myth #3: Only coeliacs can benefit from a gluten free diet

Non-coeliac gluten intolerance is very common. Women on gluten free diets often report less bloating, healthier digestion, less mood swings, less “brain fog,” better immunity, and more balanced hormones.


Myth #4: All saturated fats are bad

The body needs a combination of fats in order to function. Healthy saturated fats, like the medium chain fatty acids found in coconut oil, make up part of this combination.


Myth #5: Paleo diets aren’t good for you

A pale diet that includes lots of vegetables, nuts and some fruit (and not just meat, meat and more meat), can give you all the nutrients and fibre you need while stabilising energy levels, building lean muscle mass and reducing fat stores.

It comes back to this: we need to move more, and eat better quality whole foods to ensure we look after our health in the best possible way. But you already knew that, right?






Jules GallowayJules Galloway is a passionate naturopath and healthy food expert. She is also one half of the team behind Paleo Health Retreats, a new fitness getaway for women in Byron Bay. You can find out more at, or check out her healthy recipes at

Sally O'Neil - Editor in Chief

Sal is on a mission to prove that healthy and nutritious doesn’t have to be boring – and that even while staying in shape you can have your cake and eat it too. After losing 14kg from adopting a healthier lifestyle, she shares her journey with others on The Fit Foodie Blog. She also works as a commercial food photographer and stylist, is studying a Bachelor of Health Science in Nutrition and Dietetics, and is the author of two cookbooks: Love Move Eat (Bauer Media, 2017) and Meal Prep Plan (Murdoch, 2019).

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